Thanks for bringing this up. Because of the successfull strategies of mass formation and putting fear, isolation and conformity front and center---people, especially the elderly and sick need to be given TLC, hope and support. Caring , listening and understanding first, -- communicating with your views and questions second. It should help that masses of people who conformed to the fear and jabs have friends or relatives who did not give in and are doing great . They also know people who are 2, 3, 4, or 5 jabbed and had problems with it or seen how it does not stop transmission. Keep up the great work! Peter Rabbit from Sweden

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Yes, Peter - this is a time for empathy and compassion, not divide and conquer. You are a master of compassion - Sweden can be grateful to have you in its midst! Hugs, Rob

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Educating people to recognise the (multiple) Signs & Symptoms of the Auto Immune Disorders that can evolve at the time and overtime AFTER being jabbed. This is of vital importance, as the sooner the better that the jabbed person commences essential food, exercise, attitudes, synergised Supplementation is crucial to reducing the damage to their Immune systems and lessening the number of illnesses that they can develop.

Yes, PTSD is one area of management that is involved in that mix of awareness and responses mentioned in the first paragraph here, to assist a return of the jabbed to more than just a modicum of good health. It can be done.

These people are already steps ahead as they have recognition, information and empathy, and able to know a sense of belonging.

Many people, who years ago were infected by the Fauci viruses, whom Drs labelled with all sorts of Diagnosis and incorrect treatments, adn merely band-aided Signs & Symptoms, these patients faced public humiliations and little to NO help from Doctors, in fact, Drs told those victims that they just needed to walk daily, it was all in their minds, laughed at them, derided their KNOWLEDGEABLE information about what they the patient had learnt/learning, and were doing to improve their health, and so much more.

But there seems to be a blanket ignorance and denial of those victims, by many who should and could acknowledge this past History and this would help the Public to realise and authenticate the folly that has been forced on them, the Leaders/victims in this health mess, who paved the way in so many areas for these COVID jabbed victims, to be acknowledged and recieve respect, support and regard for their predicament.

It would also show the varieties and patterns of these Auto Immune Disorders, and treatments already proven.

So instead of building on mistakes already made, PLEASE go back to basics and establish facts that can be built on, also that this has happened well before today - without the deadly spike which does seem to provoke a pattern of new Signs & Symptoms more clearly/quickly.

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Thank you - you make many important points - particularly on AID. This is why we launched a campaign on this in May 2021 (https://www.anhinternational.org/campaigns/your-right-to-know-stop-discrimination-against-the-autoimmune/) as soon as the first clear evidence of VITT was undeniable. The challenge for many is knowing what's the more important trigger: spike from natural infection, spike from shots. But ultimately because the pathology is similar (as it's related to spike protein, regardless of its source or origin), and because exposure to the trigger must be removed or minimised to aid recovery from AID, many will learn that avoiding shots/boosters is an essential part of their healing journey. A major stumbling block to exposing what you rightly call this folly, is allowing those who have supported or propagated it to view the available data and science with open minds - and open hearts. Only then can the real healing begin.

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Addendum & Proposal:

A group of these victims/people could be formed and also added to Dr Reiner Fuellmichs proposed Case. It would further show the premeditated pattern and build up to this Plandemic, annihilation of The People was deliberate, long ago, and further confirms Dr Judy Mikovits claims, of XMRV and other claims relevant to this Case,

It could help make public a number of malfunctioning areas in Society and one that needs examination is the Legal World, who could have helped agitate/expose this health problem years ago. Though I realise that they come in after the event/devastation, but it's about time that this "malaise" in the Legal world was looked at more deeply, instead of the Legal practitioners hypothesising until the damage has been established for many years.

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With a full return of my thought processing and much else-NO thanks to the Medical World during this saga , a number of Medical people, offered compliments, asked for my Notes, and where did I get my Research from...... one whispered as he looked at my Blood tests "whatever your doing keep on doing it" is this 21st century medical advice?

IN MY PREVIOUS POST, I referred to the Legal World and their role, something we see so more transparently now with experiences during The PLandemic.

It could help make public a number of malfunctioning areas in Society and one that needs examination being Legal World, who could have helped agitate/expose this health problem years ago. Though I realise that they come in after the event/devastation, but it's about time that this "malaise" in the Legal world was looked at more deeply, instead of the Legal practitioners hypothesising until the damage has been established for many years".

Medical World who literally were killing me over many years and yet solutions were there to correct their never ending mistakes (in so many areas of my former EXCELLENT health and restore my brain with natural methods), just a small amount of analysis and reading information given in their Clinical Notes.

A semi retired Doctor whispered to me that there had been a large Meeting held in Brisbane, Australia, in the year 2000, with Television crews attending, to discuss the large number of LEGAL Cases that patients were initiating against Medicos. I was too ill to follow this matter, but I certainly used the little energy I had to try to get through to a supposedly very bright medical Solicitor during 1995 that there was a Case-I was scorned.

I repeat the Legal World needs hard examination of their practice etc., of the Law. The Plandemic has further emphasised that need. We have more Education and less common-sense and a lack of competent care being given by many Practitioners in many fields.

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